Engineering my mind a little every day.
A Different Kind of Calculator
A Different Kind of Calculator

A Different Kind of Calculator

I got fired up about personal finance in the summer of 2016. In particular, planning for retirement.  I’d tried to do planning that worked for me a whole bunch of ways for several years and nothing ever resonated that gave me confidence. Then I read Tony Robbins, Money: Master the Game and I had an epiphany about how I wanted to plan my retirement. After I built the model I wanted to personally use, I started asking friends and family about their retirement planning and quickly realized that they struggled with some of the same problems I had. It seemed obvious that I could build a simple retirement calculator for friends and family and leverage the project as a way to grow professionally as well.

Check it out here:

I got it deployed about a month ago and I’ll continue to play around with it and expand features where my interests go. Next step: refine the computation portion to be able to handle more than just tax-deferred savings. I want to build an API using Lambda and API Gateway to off-load the computation piece of the site and expand it’s capabilities. It’s been a blast to work on so far and I anticipate refining it well into the future.

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